Term 4
Term 4
Primary 1's final topic is about learning about living things. In our classroom we are growing some beautiful sweet peas and lavender. We planted them on the 2nd of May and some of them are 30cm tall already! We are looking after them very carefull, making sure that they have enough sun light and water each day.
Primary 1's final topic is about learning about living things. In our classroom we are growing some beautiful sweet peas and lavender. We planted them on the 2nd of May and some of them are 30cm tall already! We are looking after them very carefull, making sure that they have enough sun light and water each day.
It is not just plants that are growing in room 2. We have got our very own caterpillars! They started off being just 1cm long but now some have grown as long as 5cm!
With all of the warm weather we have had recently, some of the caterpillars have even started to form their chrysalis. We are keeping our fingers crossed that they don't turn in to butterflies when we are away for our holiday weekend.
Primary 1 showed what responsible citizens they are by taking part in a whole school litter pick. We worked together using litter-pickers to look for any rubbish around our school. We are pleased to say that there was hardly any litter in our playground which means that we are all really good at putting our litter in the bin.