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Room 2 Kirklandneuk

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


The YMCA visited the school and led some games with Rooms 2,4 and 6. We managed to stay dry for most of the session. The children enjoyed interacting with the other classes during the different games.


Image result for nativity

The children in primary 1 have been working very hard and are looking forward to everyone coming in to watch them perform. 

Scottish Book Week

Room 2 had a very enjoyable week for Scottish Book Week. A visit to the library with Room 1 to hear the stories being gifted in their Book Week bags resulted in a big raspberry being blown by all the children! The children sat and listened really well at the library to all the stories. The most popular story for Room 1 & 2 was 'Little Owl's Egg.'

Mrs Coyle led a Bookbug session with room 2. Some of the children had previously met Bookbug at nursery or at the sessions held in school for Bookbug. They sang songs with Mrs Coyle and enjoyed story telling. As you can see from the picture below we had lots a of different characters at this session. 

The children enjoyed lots of different activities during Scottish Book week and the week after! Room 2 paid a visit to Waterstones at Braehead where they had the opportunity to browse the different books that were available to buy. We took the opportunity to read one of the stories which we hadn't heard of before called 'Three Little Monkeys' by Quentin Blake. The children all enjoyed listening to this story and Mrs MacLellan thinks she may have to return to Waterstones to buy it so that we can all enjoy it again.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

 Room 2 has had a very busy term 1 and we have been learning lots of different things. Our first topic was Elmer. We completed many activities for this topic and the picture shows our class Elmer which we all had a hand in creating.

In Science we were learning about the water cycle. We learnt some very big words! As you can see Room 2 are putting in a lot of effort into their learning.

Room 2 have created a fantastic display of portraits. The children all worked independently to complete these. The captions beside each person is a statement about what happiness means to them. I am sure you agree that Room 2 has a fantastic bunch of children in it.

As term 1 nears its end I would just like to say a well done to all the children for all their hard work in class. I am very much looking forward to next term which will be another busy term with lots of exciting experiences for us all.

Mrs MacLellan.

Monday, August 14, 2017


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

World of Work Week!

As part of World of Work Week, Primary 1b had many visits from people of various professions to inspire the class about different career paths and the importance of transferable skills.  We loved hearing about their job and asking them lots of questions.  We even got to try on their uniform and sit in a police car!

 Kevin and Reece explained how they help to keep us safe and showed us the different equipment that they carry.

 Mr and Mrs Hawthorn told us about their old and new jobs.  Mr Hawthorn used to help people choose a wedding suit. I think our Primary 1s might be a bit young to visit him...

 Room 2 LOVED their visit from Bari who plays for the local ice-hockey team, The Braehead Clan. How showed us all the equipment he wears to keep himself safe.
We had lots of fun with Andrew from Active Schools who showed us some activities to keep us fit and healthy.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Readers and writers

Primary 1 have been developing their reading and writing skills.  Here are a few examples of them hard at work!

-At the weekend I watched Mulan.
-At the weekend I got a new hat. I helped my Mum pick my brother some new shoes.
-At the weekend I got a new car.  My car was broken.  It was red.
-At the weekend I played Star Wars with Jamie.
-At the weekend I watched Spider Man. I played with my brother.
-At the weekend I made a long tape.
-At the weekend I played with my toys and with my brother.
-At the weekend I played with my toys.
-At the weekend I made cakes. I played with my cousin. I am so excited to go swimming.